Benefits of real-time CGM

Dexcom real-time continuous glucose monitoring (rt-CGM) systems are suitable for anyone with diabetes over the age of 2 years. Whether treated with multiple daily injections or insulin pump therapy, they can benefit real-time CGM.

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Updated NICE Guidelines - Great news for access to real time CGM

NICE Guidelines for Adults

NICE Guidelines for Adults

NICE now recommends that adults with type 1 diabetes are offered a choice of glucose sensor, including rt-CGM.3

Children & Young People

Children & Young People

Real-time continuous glucose monitoring (rt-CGM) should be offered to all children and young people with type 1 diabetes.4

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes

For people with insulin treated type 2 diabetes, NICE now recommends that rt-CGM can be considered as an alternative to isCGM (Intermittently Scanned Continuous Glucose Monitoring).5 

Change the lives of people with diabetes. Choose Dexcom real-time CGM.

The range of Dexcom products allows you to offer access to real-time CGM to all people with diabetes, as recommended in the updated NICE guidelines.3,4,5

Dexcom ONE real-time CGM System

Dexcom ONE real-time CGM System

Best for people with T1 or T2 diabetes using insulin who are looking for an easy and accessible real-time CGM system available on prescription.

Dexcom G6 real-time CGM System

Dexcom G6 real-time CGM System

Best for people with T1 diabetes using a connected insulin dosing system.§

Dexcom G7 real-time CGM System

Dexcom G7 real-time CGM System

Best for people with T1 diabetes who may need extra support, such as people who are hypo unaware or children.

More Insight Than Monitoring Alone


Unlike a single reading from a blood glucose meter, real-time CGM provides dynamic information about the direction of glucose change, giving continuous and timely feedback on nutrition, activity, and insulin requirements to help make informed diabetes treatment decisions. Real-time CGM is a powerful therapy management tool that can inform better diabetes treatment decisions, ultimately leading to tighter glycaemic control, than using a blood glucose meter alone.1,||

Accessing Dexcom for Your Clinic

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Updated NICE Guidelines - Great news for access to real time CGM


NICE Guidelines for Adults3

NICE now recommends that adults with type 1 diabetes are offered a choice of glucose sensor, including rt-CGM

Children and Young People4

Real-time continuous glucose monitoring (rt-CGM) should be offered to all children and young people with type 1 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes5

For people with insulin treated type 2 diabetes, NICE now recommends that rt-CGM can be considered as an alternative to isCGM (intermittent scanning continuous glucose monitoring).

Dexcom is the offers a range of real-time CGM products tailored to the needs of all people with diabetes using insulin.

The Dexcom G6 was proven to be a highly cost-effective management option compared to finger sticking for T1D patients with elevated HbA1c levels. This falls well below the NICE willingness to pay threshold of £20,000 per QALY gained, at £9,558 per QALY gained. Based on the NHS funding criteria, it is estimated that up to 70% of patients with T1D may be eligible for the Dexcom G6.2,||

Please refer to the Diabetes UK. Type 1 Diabetes Technology: A Consensus Guideline for further details on identifying those that could benefit from real-time Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) technology.

§ Compatible insulin-delivery device sold separately.

1 Pettus J et al. Endocr Pract. 2015; 21(6):613-620.

2 Roze S. et al. Diabetes Care. 2020; 43(10):2411-2417.

|| Results obtained with a prior generation Dexcom CGM system; similar results expected with Dexcom G7 given similar or better performance and enhanced feature sets and usability.

3 Type 1 diabetes in adults: diagnosis and management NICE guideline [NG17] 

4 Diabetes (type 1 and type 2) in children and young people: diagnosis and management

NICE guideline [NG18]

5 Type 2 diabetes in adults: management NICE guideline [NG28]